HARD ROCK HOTEL COLLAPSE On the morning of October 12th, 2019, New Orleans suffered yet another tragedy: the proposed new Hard Rock Hotel, still under construction in the heart of the city, collapsed taking the lives of three men while numerous others suffered physical and mental injuries. We offer our condolences to all those who have suffered a profound loss as a result of this disaster. Our team is working to protect the interests of our clients. On October 16th, we, in collaboration with the law firms Alvendia, Kelly and Demarest, Irpino, Avin and Hawkins, and Chehardy, Sherman and Williams, filed suit requesting that Class Action status be given to protect residents, property and business owners as well as employees/workers or other parties that suffered economic damages following the collapse. Call us today to schedule a free consultation to speak with one of our attorneys about the Hard Rock collapse. 504-500-2020